If you have been involved in a road traffic accident, the answer is likely yes. A personal injury lawyer can help you determine if you are entitled to compensation and can also provide legal advice on how to proceed with the claim.
What If You’re The Driver?
If you were the vehicle driver involved in the accident, then your ability to make a claim will depend on who is at fault. If you are found to be partially or fully at fault, you likely won’t be able to make a claim. However, if another party was found negligent or reckless, you may still have a valid claim.
How Do You Stand as a Passenger?
If you were a passenger in the vehicle involved in the accident, your chances of making a claim are much higher. Passengers are usually not considered at fault and, therefore, can claim any injuries or damages they may have suffered due to the incident.
Work Accidents and Compensation Claims
You may be entitled to compensation if you have been injured in a work-related accident. Your employer must provide a safe working environment, and if they fail to do so, you have the right to seek compensation. A personal injury lawyer can help you understand your rights and determine your eligibility for a claim.
When it comes to accidents and claims, many factors can affect the outcome. Understanding your rights and determining if you are eligible for compensation before proceeding with a claim is essential. With the right legal advice and guidance, you can get the compensation you deserve for any injuries or damages from an accident.
FleetCare understands how devastating an accident can be, and we strive to provide the best legal advice and representation for our drivers and passengers. Contact us today to learn more and get the compensation you deserve.