Comprehensive Solutions
For your truck dispatch needs, FleetCare Group is a reliable choice. Our comprehensive solutions are designed to meet your trucking business’s varied demands.
Here are some of the solutions we offer to cater to your business requirements:
- Compliance and Regulation: FleetCare Group ensures safety and legal compliance. We focus on meeting all requirements, from load limits to driver hours, and assist trucking companies in navigating transport regulations for full legal compliance in Ohio.
- Trucking Safety Services: Safety is crucial in trucking, and FleetCare Group fills the gap for companies without a dedicated safety department. We provide comprehensive safety services for all trucking operations, improving safety standards and integrating them into your dispatch and delivery processes.
- Advanced Fleet Management: Our fleet management services in Columbus, Ohio, focus on maintaining and optimizing your fleet’s performance. This includes regular maintenance to prevent breakdowns and delays, strategies for fuel efficiency, and effective driver management, ensuring your fleet operates at its best.

Best Loads in the Industry
One of the biggest factors in profitable trucking is finding and booking loads that generate maximum revenue. At Fleet Care Service, our experienced dispatch team has the industry knowledge, connections, and negotiating skills to secure the most cost-effective loads for your business.
We tap into an extensive network of shippers, brokers, and freight forwarders to gain access to loads across Ohio and surrounding states. With real-time freight rates and market conditions data, our team books loads that best use your fleet’s capabilities and keep your trucks rolling at full capacity. More importantly, we negotiate the highest possible rates to boost your bottom line.
Its smarter freight factoring service allows clients to receive immediate payment for loads, bypassing the typical waiting period for client payments. This service supports strategic planning and investment, enabling semi-truck dispatch businesses in Columbus, Ohio, to focus on growth and efficiency.